Christians Can Meditate After All

A church steeple

Many of the seekers that I speak with are Christian because they see Christ as the way to discover and connect with God. Not content with having a Supreme Being to worship, they also feel the visceral need to connect with their Creator in a personal way. Jesus did after all say that no one…

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Don’t Get Taken to the Cleaners

I know some of you are involved or at least are familiar with the 12-Step approach to recovery. So I’d like to bring up an experience of AA co-founder #1, Bill Wilson, that I’ve been surprised to discover many members of AA have never heard. Wilson, of course, was an alcoholic who adopted and practiced certain…

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Be Wary of Contemplation

Sometimes people are taught that if they contemplate on worthy ideas they can somehow integrate those into their thinking and then, therefore, their lives. It is important however not to confuse ideas and thoughts with true wisdom. They are not one in the same. This is so isn’t difficult to see, although the temptation to…

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