Posts Tagged ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’
Need Anxiety Relief? These Substances Work
Unless they recover, alcoholics simply cannot stop taking the first drink. Why? Because alcohol works. It dulls the pain of corrective conscience every anger-ridden individual experiences. If it didn’t work, neither the problem drinker nor the alcoholic would ever have developed the obsessive need to wash, rinse and repeat his problems away ad infinitum. Food…
Read MoreRound-Up
I just got back from one of the best 12-Step conference events ever. It was the South Maryland Round-up, in Solomons Island, MD. What was so good about it? It was the people who showed up. A sold-out event, 600 seats filled by drunks of the AA, 12-Step persuasion, along with some of the best…
Read MoreTo Live in the 4th Dimension
The culmination of a spiritual awakening establishes a living, perpetual link to the Kingdom within through conscious awareness. Once we’re living in that connected realm, the famous 4th dimension of existence becomes our reality. We change. We no longer engage grudges, fears, and strings of selfish relationships or harms unto others. We may not be yet be…
Read MoreWhat Is Spiritual Malady and How Do We Become Well?
If you know anyone, or are yourself involved in one of those 12-Step recovery fellowships that specialize in helping people lose their fascination with substances like drugs and alcohol, then you might also know that these organizations are not support groups. They are spiritual societies. Those folks went so far as to say that, “When…
Read MoreI Like AA People and You Should Too
I know. It’s a cult. It’s a religion. The members are losers—sober, but still selfish, self-centered and judgmental to the hilt. Just a bunch of phony, hypnotized zombies, obsessed with Big Books, pre-occupied with their past and as addicted to meetings and each other as they ever were to booze. But wait! That’s not true.…
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