Modern-Day Journalism Is Distorted by Anger

One of the greatest blessings we have living in America is a free press with daily access to our national leadership and advisers. It is fundamental to our existence as a free nation. Compare this with the censored tyranny of the one-party state that covered up their Coronavirus mishap and misled the world about it…

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Who Pisses You Off?

Once you know the secret to handling the annoying people around you, even the irritating personalities in media, politics and industry, you’ll find peace within. You will find the strength to stand up to bullies and tyrants with grace or to properly stand down to those who deserve your respect. You’ll know the difference. Until, then, when…

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The Clinical Crapshoot

Have you ever considered taking or are you now prescribed antidepressants? If so, there’s an effect that comes with certain psychoactive drugs such as these, going beyond their common pharmacology that you ought to know. 

If you’ve already consulted a medical professional about acquiring these medications, then you‘ve also probably discovered that there’s no real test required…

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What Your Parents Did

Anger toward a parent is how the seed is sown. It is the moment of the initial invasion and no one, not a single human being who has ever lived, will live, or who lives today can avoid it (with two historical exceptions) Nor can any of us live peacefully until we forgive our parents.…

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Don’t Hate Your Faults

What is clinically termed as Depression isn’t really a disease with physiological origins. It is only the word we use to describe a certain state of mind originating out of metaphysical phenomenon. Biochemical indicators and other aberrations symptomatic to the “disorder” are merely the visible effects of an underlying cause. Subsequently, even pharmaceutical and psychological…

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