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How to Live Forever

King Solomon, the author of Proverbs, wrote that, "Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."

In English, countenance used as a verb means to tolerate, as in, “You should not have countenanced his rudeness.” Here, it connotes an endorsement so as to encourage someone to do something.

The shortcomings of others will either sharpen or dull us, bringing us closer to or further away from perfection, depending upon how we meet the temptation to resent them. Out of abrasion, or temptation, properly met comes tolerance—love, forgiveness. It isn't the well people who are so significant to our progress. It is the infirmed—those yet dark of heart.

The wise king understood the life-giving value of not hating others, no matter what they do. They could drive nails into you and spit on you — or merely curse and despise you. Allowing for their error, not hating, not getting angry, strengthens the capacity for forgiveness—given but also received. It is simultaneous.

"Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend,” has nothing to do with becoming answerable to other people, as some ministers, preachers and even life-coaches teach. We answer to God only. When we are conscious, that is.

In wakefulness, the offensive cruelty and error in others are automatically tolerable, in love, bringing us closer to perfection. Life is supposed to contain more and more of it as we proceed.

When unconscious we will tend to answer to men, creating parasitic relationships with them that eventually allow us to be consumed from within — then we die, exhausted and depleted having fed our substance to those who’ve conditioned us to serve them.

Following that trend in life — will kill you. Escape it and you’ll never die.

Happy Passover. Happy Easter.

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