Are You Being Hypnotized?

A couple hypnotized by meditation

No one would want to admit this of themselves, but the average person is too easily influenced by others and can be made to do what they don’t want to do. The more willful they are, the easier they are to control.  This isn’t some unique state suffered by only a few weak-minded people. Everyone who is…

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You Can’t ‘Get’ Angry… If You Already ‘Are’

In Boston, a number of years ago, a woman who had come to hear me give a talk on resentment came running up to the stage beforehand to speak with me. She brought my attention to a long-deceased but still a popular 12-Step Fellowship member who had written a book titled You Can’t Make Me…

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#018 Becoming a Selfless Human Being

Schwarzhoff · #018 Becoming a Selfless Human Being Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Soundcloud | Stitcher | Overcast | iHeartRadio Download This Episode August 12, 2020 Can anyone truly become a selfless human being? We all must come to see how selfish and self-centered we’ve ever been.  But reverse-engineering our self-centeredness is not a way to change.…

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#017 No One Wants to Get Sick

Schwarzhoff · #017 No One Wants To Get Sick Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | Soundcloud | Stitcher | Overcast | iHeartRadio Download This Episode July 5, 2020 Keeping healthy with a fit immune system, playing God, giving and seeking approval, cancer, is wearing masks a precaution or a submission, bizarre preacher blows the…

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When the Awakened Return to Slumber

Have you or anyone you know ever successfully given up a vice, an abusive relationship with a substance or behavior via spiritual means, only to later transfer that obsession to another failing – or even have an outright relapse? Many have.  Well, what happened? There’s the botched broadening of a spiritual living that is the…

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Modern-Day Journalism Is Distorted by Anger

One of the greatest blessings we have living in America is a free press with daily access to our national leadership and advisers. It is fundamental to our existence as a free nation. Compare this with the censored tyranny of the one-party state that covered up their Coronavirus mishap and misled the world about it…

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Stillness vs. Illness – Keeping Your Cool in a Crisis

This crisis is unique. Because of its organic nature and given how our physiques are so interwoven with our emotional nature, attitude is more vital to our quality of life and maybe even survival than ever—probably more than you at first realize, and definitely more than you’ll hear in news reports. To stay clear of…

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Justifying a Drug Addiction – What’s in Your Body?

A man once told me that the strongest drug he ever puts into his body is Advil. It was quite a boast considering that he also handily justified regularly smoking cigars. Since he’d successfully given up both problematic drinking and recreational drug abuse, he was quite upset by the notion that his nicotine habit could…

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Bad Habits Trace to a Single Cause

Drinking too much liquor, indulging in drugs, and overeating are objectionable activities, for sure. But they are not the cause of the addict’s or alcoholic’s troubles. Alcoholism, drug and food addictions, vices and bad habits of all kinds are merely obsessive behaviors that manifest as effects following one original cause.  That’s how all obsessions like…

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