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Be Wary of Contemplation

Sometimes people are taught that if they contemplate on worthy ideas they can somehow integrate those into their thinking and then, therefore, their lives.  It is important however not to confuse ideas and thoughts with true wisdom. They are not one in the same.

This is so isn’t difficult to see, although the temptation to overlook this and to meditate on ideas or concepts, even ask questions of God or some imagined intelligence, can be quite compelling—especially for those of us who’ve become accustomed to relying upon intellect for guidance.  But rumination is ruination. Why?

To contemplate is to fixate on ideas and words. It comes at the expense of wordless, clear communication with flawless conscience.

When you meditate ponderingly, examining concepts within the confines of language, ideas block you off from accepting realization. You become dull and unintuitive while imagining you are brilliant.

Therefore, for meditation to be effective, it’s got to be non-contemplative, releasing the meditator from his thinking, automatically placing him out of reach of whatever controls his imagination and into the objective state.

Once rising above thoughts, you’ll be free to observe as they appear without them motivating you. You’ll be safe from whatever nefarious forces are hiding in the never-ending loops of thinking. Grace then enters unimpeded.  Conscience reignites, and inspired creativity begins to flourish.

Consciousness stimulates psychic release from intellectual bondage. It annuls unwholesome affections with the thinking mind, liberating the human spirit from the choking control of the lower Self.  We’ve been endowed with a marvelous brain to use, not to abuse, and now we can.

During each moment of consciousness your psyche opens to receive God’s will. Allow it inside and He will never let you down. Contemplation shuts the psyche to God’s will, replacing His vision for us with self-will. It’ll always disappoint.

The meditation I show in my books and give away on my website and social media maintains a non-contemplative element of consciousness that should be characterized as true mindfulness.

Take caution here. I specify true because there are two conditions that can be described as mindful. One leads to life and the other leads to death. Chose incorrectly and move closer to death. Choose correctly and move toward living forever.

I like the word mindfulness and use it often in my writing and talks. I cannot help that there are cultures and cults that seem to have claimed it and taken it into their jargon. One of the aims in my work is to persuade readers that there’s an unhealthy mindfulness and a healthy mindfulness. Beware of the former at the risk of spiritual life and ultimately your physical life.

If you’ve been taught to ruminate in your thoughts or to focus on concepts while meditating, please discontinue. This has been an incorrect and extraordinarily dangerous practice. I don’t just mean, isn’t effective, or doesn’t work well enough. I mean ultimately fatal. By placing you in a position where your own thinking pulls you into a whirlpool of ideas, the slippery and seductive nature of words will sidetrack you away from healthy awareness.

You might awaken into a new dream, discovering you've been convinced that you are God. This oneness is a fantasy that will supply immediate elation but could also mark the end of your ability to ever again distinguish dream from reality.

When engaged in contemplative meditation and reflective, self-centered “praying,” you are no longer living in the present moment. Instead, you exist inside thinking, where inferior, intellectual rationalization occurs. This is why these do not work. Most of you have been taught to pray this way. Sorry.

There is true prayer. It is conscious contact beyond the mumbling of words under the breath or making mental requests of God that stream out of thoughts in the head—sweet ideas directed by a Self-centered intellect.

Conscious contact is beyond the mumbling of words under the breath or making mental requests of GodClick To Tweet

Non-Contemplative Meditation is a wholesomely wordless appeal of spirit to receive His will for us, no matter what, through conscious awareness. In it practice, not only are words and thoughts unnecessary, they get in the way of contact with the Creator anytime they are conjured.

Only from a state of wordless objectivity, what the Old Testament Psalm calls stillness, do we truly connect with Him—through consciousness alone. Approach the door that is within. There, experience the entrance to the Kingdom. Go in.

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