Can You Think Away Negativity?

Do you know those emotions and secret thoughts you occasionally struggle with—the ones that deliver fear, bitterness, resentment, and doubt—the stinking thinking ideas that tell you appalling things, sometimes even in your own voice?
How productive could you become and how much better would life be if those could be coped with effectively, without suppression…

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Meditate Safely – Counter ‘New Age’ Thought

For anyone who wants to meditate safely, without being converted into a dharmic, non-duality philosophy or religious belief, I suggest Non-Contemplative Meditation™. It is very different from the type of meditation you will find in spiritual cults, Eastern Religions or New Age self-help books. It is an ancient practice of pulling back out of the stream of

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Losing Fear

We all have had first-hand experiences with fear. Once we see just what it is, we can then begin to see what is necessary for it to fall away. It is so simple, once you truly experience an absence of fear, you’ll wonder why you’ve ever worried about the future or been overwhelmed by fear at all. Most fear isn’t…

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What Your Parents Did

Anger toward a parent is how the seed is sown. It is the moment of the initial invasion and no one, not a single human being who has ever lived, will live, or who lives today can avoid it (with two historical exceptions) Nor can any of us live peacefully until we forgive our parents.…

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Clearing the Mind of Thoughts

Have you ever wondered where those constant thoughts in your head are coming from and how to deal with them? Have you ever just wanted to think happy thoughts, so life could then be happy too? You may want to think twice about doing that. But don’t worry, there is a solution. If you don’t…

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