Conditioned To Believe the Lie

Have you ever questioned what you believe about the Ego?  You have been conditioned to think of the Ego inside every human being as part of us—just another feature of our complex human personalities.  Your counselor believes this. Your priest, minister or rabbi too. So does your 12-Step sponsor and your life-coach. Everyone coming out…

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Are You Humble Yet?

Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s I was a Wall Street Investment Banker and Stockbroker. I’d often be flabbergasted by the number of individual investors, purported to be sophisticated, who regularly invested in equities of companies, yet couldn’t read or adequately interpret a corporate balance sheet. Never mind making forward financial projections, if I didn’t…

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Spiritual Growth is Quite Becoming

It is our charge in this lifetime to not only become aware but to increasingly live from that station of consciousness as we move through our lives. This is often thought of as spiritual growth. Fair enough. But even those who may have experienced a spiritual awakening often don’t really know what spiritual growth means. And no…

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Have You Forgiven Your Parents? Probably Not

Dead or alive, lovable or despicable, if a parent can still make you angry, then you have not forgiven them. Until you can look to see how you’ve hated your parents in the past and allow forgiveness to enter, meaning to stop hating your parents in the present, and remain unstirred, then you cannot live long or…

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Could You Be a Slave to Your Lying Mind?

If you saw the film Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) a few years ago, you may recall that in the opening scene, Keaton’s character, Riggan Thomson, is sitting in a classic meditation pose, levitating in the middle of the room. We’re to wonder, Has this person actually trained his mind so well that he can…

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#008 Don’t Turn Into a Useless Blob

Dan discusses the little feelings, thoughts and ideas we all get, with which so many struggle – the thinking that often brings fear, resentment or doubt – and the simple solution to…

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Can You Think Away Negativity?

Do you know those emotions and secret thoughts you occasionally struggle with—the ones that deliver fear, bitterness, resentment, and doubt—the stinking thinking ideas that tell you appalling things, sometimes even in your own voice?
How productive could you become and how much better would life be if those could be coped with effectively, without suppression…

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Across the Bridge Into Oblivion

I remember a New York City fireman I’d befriended who once told me, “Danny, I love my little daughter with every bone, hair, and fiber of muscle in my being. She is everything to me.” His eyes were wide and wet. Not crying wet. Honest wet. This was real. “Then when I put my mouth on that…

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