Spiritual Growth

the night sky

Seeing is Believing

February 19, 2023

To wake up is to return to consciousness lost. It is returning from an un-sane condition of mind to a sane and sound state of being. We believe as we see, and we see as we believe.  Because when we are conscious, in those waking moments we experience the strength and security of faithfulness within. We haven’t…

group therapy session

Getting It Off Your Chest – When is It Time to Own Up?

February 5, 2023

Is a problem shared really a problem halved . . . and does using people to vent emotions really bring freedom from the harmful effect of negative feelings? It can be quite liberating to share our problems . . . to get things off our chest. The subsequent release of emotional energy can be beneficial . . . but…


The Sickness That Destroys Us — And How Simple it is to Recover

November 17, 2022

It is a fact that every human being who walks or has ever walked the face of the earth inherits what is often termed as spiritual disease. Religions have other names for that. It’s the same thing. In the history of the world there are only two humans beings who were ever born without the infection. Now…

A dog doing a trick for a biscuit

The Dark Power . . . ARF! . . . of Cheap Tricks

October 11, 2021

I recall an event, a long time ago, when I was feeling a bit blue. At the suggestion of a friend, I made what is sometimes referred to as a gratitude list. He promised me that this had helped him and that it was his regular practice. At his direction, I itemized all of the positive…

a pink, frosted donut

#022 Can You Quit Your Bad Habits by Willpower?

May 26, 2021

Schwarzhoff · Can You Quit Your Bad Habits by Willpower? Listen on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Soundcloud Download This Episode May 26, 2021 Here’s why you haven’t been able to use willpower to break a bad habit. Plus, Dan and Dan Jr. discuss “serial entrepreneurs” and returning to a childlike state of existence.

Non-Contemplative Meditation before bed

Connecting Nighttime Sleep and Meditation

May 21, 2021

I am not going to apologize for the tone of this piece. I mean every word in all earnestness and intensity. If you practice the Non-Contemplative Meditation I teach and do not include the exercise right before going to sleep at night, then you are making a mistake. It doesn’t work if you do not…


We Have All Failed

April 26, 2021

Every one of us has failed. We have all fallen. Each of us has experienced the struggle with impatience toward an imperfect world we did not create. And so we’ve felt nervousness and anxiety—we’ve gotten annoyed and then intolerant toward others who have “trespassed against us.” And in that moment of upset we become overwhelmed…


Decision Making for Cool Cats

March 24, 2021

When I was a little boy a teacher once complained to my mother that I was “too nonchalant.” My mother was indifferent about that, but my attitude drove this teacher buggy. This one would try whatever she could to upset me. But no matter how hard she tried, she just could not get under my…

A church steeple

Christians Can Meditate After All

February 8, 2021

Many of the seekers that I speak with are Christian because they see Christ as the way to discover and connect with God. Not content with having a Supreme Being to worship, they also feel the visceral need to connect with their Creator in a personal way. Jesus did after all say that no one…

A couple hypnotized by meditation

Are You Being Hypnotized?

February 1, 2021

No one would want to admit this of themselves, but the average person is too easily influenced by others and can be made to do what they don’t want to do. The more willful they are, the easier they are to control.  This isn’t some unique state suffered by only a few weak-minded people. Everyone who is…






Go In: Nine Points to Conscious Living

You'll experience a boost in creativity, intuition, and improved relationships


Become Immune to Anger

October 30, 2017


What Your Parents Did

December 29, 2017