What Your Parents Did

Anger toward a parent is how the seed is sown. It is the moment of the initial invasion and no one, not a single human being who has ever lived, will live, or who lives today can avoid it (with two historical exceptions) Nor can any of us live peacefully until we forgive our parents.…

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Can Anger Really be Managed?

Some people believe that it’s normal and at times even right to be resentful. Psychologists teach their patients how to use willpower to control their anger, convincing them that emotions, even negative ones, like anger, are a justified and natural condition—an acceptable validation of our humanness. They’ll teach theories and market systems designed to manage…

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Saying I’m Sorry

A begrudging apology just to smooth over a relationship broken by selfish and self-seeking behavior can look good on the surface. Very often, however, it is nothing more than a feeble attempt to regain lost approval. An amends is worthless unless it’s fueled by the supernatural energy evoked through a forgiving spirit, free from all…

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Become Immune to Anger

If you believe that resentfulness is the bane of existence for every human being, and would like to get free from it, then please know that there is only one way to not resent. That is to become immune to it. That happens anytime we step back from our thinking. It becomes a way of life once…

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What the Hell is Wrong With Us?

The deepest, darkest fear of all mankind is to discover that we are not all-powerful, that only God is all-powerful. Something pathetic within, something inadequate and feeble, trembles in the Light of conscious awareness once It learns the most horrifying fact for every human being—that we are not God. There’s something about us, something dark…

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What Is Spiritual Malady and How Do We Become Well?

If you know anyone, or are yourself involved in one of those 12-Step recovery fellowships that specialize in helping people lose their fascination with substances like drugs and alcohol, then you might also know that these organizations are not support groups. They are spiritual societies. Those folks went so far as to say that, “When…

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Don’t Hate Your Faults

What is clinically termed as Depression isn’t really a disease with physiological origins. It is only the word we use to describe a certain state of mind originating out of metaphysical phenomenon. Biochemical indicators and other aberrations symptomatic to the “disorder” are merely the visible effects of an underlying cause. Subsequently, even pharmaceutical and psychological…

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This ‘Thing’ Called Ego

Many of us have been trained to think of the Ego as a part of us—just one of the multiple facets that comprise the complex human personality. Counselors, clerics, and teachers believe this. Your doctor believes it. Everyone coming out of the universities believes it too. Despite the prevalence of this idea, their beliefs are…

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When All Hell Breaks Loose

A person who commits suicide or mass murder isn’t who you think they are. He isn’t even who he thinks he is. The cause of all human violence goes to a phenomenon beyond the understanding of intellectual analysis. It is metaphysical, and for this reason, experts will always look toward wrong solutions. Forget about TV…

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I Like AA People and You Should Too

I know. It’s a cult. It’s a religion. The members are losers—sober, but still selfish, self-centered and judgmental to the hilt. Just a bunch of phony, hypnotized zombies, obsessed with Big Books, pre-occupied with their past and as addicted to meetings and each other as they ever were to booze. But wait! That’s not true.…

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